Our solar system has eight planets revolving around the sun along with other dwarf planets and celestial bodies. Of all the known planets only the planet earth supports life. The universe is vast and is believed to be infinite, the galaxy is a part of the universe and our solar system is identified under the galaxy named Milky way, and the name is described due to its galaxy’s appearance. A galaxy is a system of billions of stars, together with gas and dust, held together by gravitational attraction. The sun is our nearest star and is the main reason for the existence of life on earth.
About Earth:
Our planet Earth is mostly made up of rocks and has both terrestrial and aquatic regions. The terrestrial region has a solid surface covered with plains, mountains, valleys, forests, icebergs, etc. Earth is different from other planets due to the presence of water on the surface and about 70 percent of the earth's surface is covered with water. The atmosphere mostly consists of nitrogen along with plenty of oxygen to breathe. The atmosphere also acts as a natural shield and protect us from meteoroids, most of which break up in our atmosphere due to friction before they strike the earth's surface.
Compared to other planets our planet earth is small and has a rocky surface along with the right thickness of atmosphere that protects us from harmful radiations and keeps the right temperature suitable for life. Earth takes 24 hours for one complete rotation and 365.25 days for one complete revolution around the sun and has a natural satellite called moon which revolves around the earth.
Life on Earth:
The existence of life on the earth started very long back about 3.5 billion years ago, the supporting evidence is that the age of the oldest rocks with fossil aged 3.5 billion years. The origin of life is one of the great mysteries in the Universe and always has a debate topic for scientists. Some scientists are studying life on our planet while some scientists are studying life on other planets. Some chemical traces have also been found in the rocks and that date back billion years age. Water component is a must in any kind of analysis for the existence and origin of life. Currently, life is being sought on the planet Mars where it is believed once water flowed through its surface by the photographic analysis.
Due to various human activities, most of the freshwater is getting polluted. Wastewater Treatment Solutions are employed to remove solid wastes and pollutants from the wastewater before releasing it into the environment.
According to www.nationalgeographic.com that are 6 things that make life on earth possible.
Our Earth is far from many hazards:
The solar system is nested in a safe harbor and there are fewer stars near the sun that reduces the risks to earth from gravitational tugs, gamma rays bursts, and supernova.
The father of our solar system the Sun is a stable and long-lasting star:
Stars that are more massive than our sun burn hotter and do not live for a longer duration that is enough for planets to develop life. Even the less massive stars are unstable and there is more probability of burst.
Earth is at the right distance from the sun in the solar system:
Earth rotates around the sun in a specific pattern known as earth's orbits which lies in Goldilocks zone where sufficient energy is received from the sun that is suitable for the existence of life as water is usually found in a liquid state in this zone.
Earth has an equitable substance for dynamic core:
The dynamic core protects the planet from the very hot solar flares by creating the magnetic field. The core is formed from the cloud of gas and dust.
Earth has a natural satellite moon that maintains axial stability:
The tilting of the earth is with respect to the sun and moves unsteadily while moving. Any slight instability can adversely affect the climate from hot to very cold. The moon holds the earth by its stabilizing pull.
Earth has an ozone layer shield:
It is concluded that ancient plantlike organisms present in the oceans released oxygen into the atmosphere which created an ozone layer at a high altitude. The ozone layer protects the earth from harmful radiations like UV, infrared, gamma rays, etc by trapping them.